Lakeview Cemetery Burial & Cremation Services
More than just a cemetery, LCBCS is now a fully licensed funeral establishment within the province of Ontario.
We can provide essential funeral services for you family for either cremation or full burial.
We will take care of all the necessary paperwork, including obtaining the permits and certificates required for cremation or burial and will transport your loved one from the place of death to our facility in preparation for cremation or direct burial. An obituary composed by our staff or contributed by you can also be posted on our website at no cost and to local publications such as the Sarnia Observer at current rates.
Afterwards, our directors can assist with support in guiding you through estate administration and federal death benefits and any survivors benefits if necessary. We notify Service Canada to stop any payments of Old Age Security and Canadian Pension Plans to avoid overpayments.
We can also provide at your choice, the option to purchase an aftercare program where our directors can provide further notifications of death to a wide variety of provincial and federal agencies including cancellations of passports, name removal from elector lists, CRA notifications, and others.
If a death has occurred in your family, rest assured that a phone call to LCBCS will be answered at any time by one of our licensed funeral directors and we are available when you need us.