Our cemetery is open daily from 6am to 10pm. Our office is open Monday through Friday (excluding holidays) from 9:00am to 4:30pm. Appointments are encouraged for matters more than general inquiries.
If you know the name of the person buried in Lakeview Cemetery you can search our burial database here or send us a request via email at mainoffice@lakeviewcemetery.ca. Once you have the location you can find the associated section map here.
Our online database can be found here. It will provide the location of the grave and available basic information.
Our section maps are available here.
Lakeview Cemetery Burial & Cremation Services is a fully licensed funeral establishment. We can provide transfer for cremation followed by interment or direct burial if cremation is not your wish. You can definitely skip the funeral home and save significant costs by dealing directly with us. Contact our office at 519-337-5761 to find out how our funeral directors can best assist your individual needs. We do not send the deceased to another location for cremation like funeral homes do because the crematorium is on site, here at Lakeview Cemetery.
Yes, one of our team is able to help you design a monument to suit your individual taste. We will provide you with a proof for approval before ordering the monument.
As per our by-laws and depending on the location, interment rights purchased currently can accommodate one full burial plus one cremation or two cremations.
Winter wreaths may be placed on graves from November 15 to April 15 each calendar year. Stone saddles are permitted for all seasons however, remaining winter wreaths and seasonal saddles will be removed during our annual spring clean up commencing April 15 each calendar year.
The office staff at Lakeview Cemetery will be able to assist you in these matters. Feel free to call 519-337-5761 or email us at mainoffice@lakeviewcemetery.ca.
A Direct Cremation is the cremation of a body in the days immediately following a death. Sometimes called "Direct Cremation", it does not involve the use of a funeral home or staff to facilitate any viewing, visitation, funeral or memorial service at the funeral home or graveside
A Direct Burial is the burial without a funeral or memorial service ahead of time. We provide the physical care of the deceased (dressing and casketing), and all arrangements with the cemetery, and then escort the casket to the cemetery for burial. Family members usually attend at the graveside but are not required to.
A Service to the public with respect to the disposition of a deceased human body, including the transportation of the deceased body and the filling out of necessary documentation to the disposition of the deceased body.
A casket is rigid and designed for the encasement of a human body, usually constructed of wood, metal or like materials and ornamented and lined with fabric, which may or may not be combustible.
A container, also referred to as a cremation container, is a container designed for the encasement of a human body with the intended result of cremation, often constructed of a cardboard top and a wood bottom.
A structure designed for the purpose of interring cremated human remains in Niches(compartments).
More people are opting for non-traditional personalized services. There is no right or wrong, and no one way to celebrate an individual's life. From just family attending a graveside ceremony, to freedom to personalizing a service to the family's needs and wants. Ask yourself, what best relates to the individual's life and go from there.
The available services for prepayment are Transfer Services, Coroner's Fee & Death Registration, Interment (burial, cremation, niche, or mausoleum), Vault (Concrete liner), Cremation, and Inscription (for final date on a monument/marker).
You can purchase the Interment Rights for ground plots, (full burial and cremation), niches, crypts, and scatterings, as well as monuments, markers, (granite or bronze) and memorial trees.
Should the death occur while you are away on vacation and full burial is your choice, we will make the appropriate arrangements to have you brought into our care. If a death occurs far from Sarnia, whether in another province or overseas, call us and we would be pleased to contract with a local provider on your behalf, and will handle the arrangements to repatriate the remains back to us.
Embalming is the process of replacing blood and bodily fluids with a chemical solution to temporarily preserve the body. Embalming is not required by law, however, in some instances a Provider may recommend it due to the length of time between death and visitation, burial or cremation.
A minimum service would be considered a Direct Disposition for either Direct Cremation or Direct Burial. Neither include such services as embalming, visitations, or church services.
All the remains of the cremated human body recovered after the completion of the cremation process, including pulverization which leaves only bone fragments reduced to consist of unidentifiable dimensions.
Cremated remains may be interred into a ground plot (full size plot or cremation plot), into a niche (outdoor or indoor), or scattered (in a specific area of a cemetery, municipally-owned shoreline, or unoccupied Crown lawns and Crown lands covered by water - unless there are signs prohibiting, scatterings).
Interment Rights are the right to require or direct the interment of human remains in a lot or the disinterment of humans remains from that lot.
Although it is highly recommended to purchase a vault for a full burial interment, it is not mandatory.
The day and time are determined and reserved with the Cemetery office staff, and at that time the family is reminded the Original Certificate of Cremation must be brought to the office prior to the interment. The staff prepare the grave for the interment according to their scheduling and is ready for the arrival of the family. Our staff watch the family arrive, (from a distance), however do not become involved unless requested in advance. Once our staff see the family moving on from the gravesite, they will proceed with the closing of the grave.
If the death has occurred at home and was unexpected, call 911. Let the operator know somebody has died and they will arrange for the necessary emergency personnel to arrive. If the death is expected, you should call the attending doctor. If they are not available, call 911.
If the deceased was under medical care at home then follow the detailed instructions your doctor has set in place. There will be contact names and phone numbers in the event of a death. If the information cannot be found, call 911. The emergency personnel will be able to assist you.
Not at all, a simple urn receptacle is provided by the crematorium for your convenience however, should you wish to purchase an urn, you only need to ask.
Our staff are here to help 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Payment for services can be made at any time. If payment presents a hardship on your family, let us know how we can help. We can assist with payment arrangements and if applicable, direct you to local agencies such as Ontario Works & ODSP for assistance with costs.
Only if you are the Executive of his Estate as stated in his will, or have written permission for all living descendants. Most Cemeteries also require in Original Interment Right Certificate be given back to their office, before a new one can be issued. (whether a private sale or selling back to the Cemetery).
You may buy rights to scatter the remains in a designated section of the Cemetery, or on private properly with the written consent of the land owner. You may also scatter the cremated remains on unoccupied Crown lands and Crown lands covered by water so long as there are no signs prohibiting scattering. If you wish to scatter cremated remains on municipally-owned lands, check local by-laws first.
It is highly recommended that you have a will to assist your loved ones at the time of death to know your wishes of final disposition.
You can request a refund for your pre-need services in writing.
We accept E-Transfer, Visa, Mastercard (up to a maximum of $2000.00), cheque/money order, debit and cash.
There will be several forms to be completed, some of the information that is required: place of birth, parents names, there place of birth, mother's maiden name, SIN, residence address.
If it is an at-need appointment you may be asked to bring a copy of the will, clothing for the deceased, and all of their information, as listed above. If possible, also bring any plot information that may be needed during the appointment.